We offer shipping discounts for multiple item purchases and checkouts.
For the first item or single item - it's full delivery price. But for each additional item
That's a huge saving! So buy up, buy up. We work hard everyday to reduce unnecessary costs so that you save money and have more time to shop with us. We love to see you back.
Our shipping costs also include full transit insurance to protect your purchase in the unlikely event that your order is lost in transit. We're always looking out for you at Shoppingsquare.com.au
Mystery Item!
The label on the box reads Shopping Square
You pick up the box and shake it.
It rattles a little bit.
You place the box on the table and pick up a knife to cut through the sticky tape.
Carefully slice.
Slowly open the lid one flap at a time.
Put your hand in the box..
Oh My God, it's a....... !!
Whats in the Box?
Buy it and see. Do you dare to find out what's in the box?
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